I'm bored therefore I blog
Alternative title: I'm self amused therefore I blog
It's raining right now and I just want to go to sleep. But I can't b/c they don't like that so much here. At my job.
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones are silly:
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas struggle to communicate, because he can't understand her Welsh accent. The Fatal Attraction star is so flummoxed by his wife's broad tones, he believes she is speaking Welsh when she is actually speaking English. She says, "I always go back to my strong Welsh accent. Michael thinks I'm speaking Welsh. He says, 'That's a beautiful language, you should speak Welsh more often.' I have to tell him I am speaking English!"I don't know why that made me laugh but I can picture them telling the story, their funny little anecdote for parties and appearances on Inside the Actors Studio.
So I just turned 26 and I don't know if that's even relevant to my freaking out about what I want to do w/ my life (yawn) or just extraneous information but I am 26 and I'm still the same as when I was 25 or 24 or 23...but prob not 22 or 21. I was still in college then. Or maybe I'm not and I just don't know it. I can't keep interest in anything I do. As I've done many times before, I'm once again in my "I want to be a writer" phase except for a couple problems. 1) I can't write. I mean, yes, I can technically "write", but not well. And not anything worthy of reading. 2) I have no follow through. None whatsoever. I will give this up, I guarantee you, in 4-5 days. And I will completely forget about it until the next time I decide to be a writer. 3) I don't know if I necessarily like writing. I get bored easily and after an hour, I'm ready to quit and do something else.
I think I have ADD. Self diagnosed.
I also want to be an artist but I can't draw or paint. Can't be a musician b/c I can't sing or play an instrument. Can't be a doctor b/c I didn't go to medical school. And I can't think of anything else right now. I think it's b/c I'm hungry.
I told myself that I wasn't going to blog anymore, I don't really know why. But I had to when I found myself about to post all of this in a myspace bulletin.